Nerdy And Loving It

Archive for September, 2012

Borderlands 2 Wishlist

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Borderlands 2 Wishlist:

  • Eridium shared between all characters – if my high level character has a bunch of eridium, why shouldn’t a new character be able to benefit.
  • Money shared between all characters – same thing here. There’s no reason to have money in multiple different places. Follow what diablo 3 did and make money shared across all characters.
  • Show Weapon Stats to party members – push a “show party” button in while on weapon in inventory and it will pop up on party member’s screens
  • Roll for drops -at the very least on bosses, it sucks to be the guy in the back with the sniper rifle while your team member who’s using shot guns gets all the boss weapons, could be applied to chests too. use the need or greed system like in WoW
  • DPS stat on weapons – multiply the damage, fire rate, and multiplier and if it has elemental damage add that. I know this doesn’t take into account burning or a few other things but it would take a lot of the work out of comparing weapons. Possibly consider taking reload speed into account.
  • More class mods with ammo regeneration – I had this on my siren in the first game for smg’s and it was awesome
  • A relic with ammo regen – allow everyone to have bullet regen and allow poor salvador to take whatever class mod he wants
  • Buy All Ammo – could be an icon listed at the top similar to each individual ammo icon, could be a single keyboard button press
  • Badass Rank Shows Percentages – next to each possible upgrade, show the new percentage that you would get

Written by nerdyandlovingit

September 28th, 2012 at 5:44 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Disable Startup Movies in Borderlands 2

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On Windows XP:

Disable Startup Movies

Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config\DefaultEngine.ini



; The game will automatically interpret the last entry in the list to be a generic looping movie, so make sure that the list has one… Comment was in the filename when loading.


; The game will automatically interpret the last entry in the list to be a generic looping movie, so make sure that the list has one… Comment was in the filename when loading.

Notice the semicolon in front of the lines ( ; ).

Disable Launcher on steam

Right click on properties on Borderlands 2

Click Set Launch Options….




Enable the console and show fps

Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config\DefaultInput.ini

Right below [Engine.Console]type:


Now, in game hit tilde (~) and type:

stat fps

Written by nerdyandlovingit

September 20th, 2012 at 9:11 pm

Posted in Gaming