Nerdy And Loving It

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Windows XP SP3 Drag and Drop Fix

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So, I decided to finally update to Service Pack 3, thinking that the bugs and problems would have been worked out by now, but alas they have not been.

After installing SP3 drag and drop just stops working. Left click and right click drag and drop both do not work in windows explorer. After researching the problem I found out that there’s a simple registry change that will fix this.

“In regedit, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/Zones/4.

If there isn’t an entry named 180D, then create a new DWORD entry named 180D and set the value to 0.” (Source)

Edit the registry by going to the start menu, then run, then type regedit. The registry editor will start up. Navigate to the spot listed above just like you would navigate folders in windows explorer, then right click and select new -> DWORD Value. Type 180D and hit enter. A value of zero will be put into the variable automatically. Close the registry editor and you are done. Drag and drop works again. Hurray.

Written by nerdyandlovingit

December 13th, 2010 at 12:19 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Slap Bet

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I’ve been trying to find a posting of the rules of Slap Bet, from How I Met Your Mother, but all I could find was some rules that the creators of the show came up with afterward. These aren’t really accurate to what happened on the show so I decided to do a post with the Slap Bet rules, according to the original episode.

So here’s what happened on How I Met Your Mother season 2 episode 9.
Robin says that she doesn’t go to malls. Marshall says that he thinks she was married in a mall in Canada. Barney says he thinks that she used to do porn in a mall setting. They make a slap bet, where the winner gets to slap the loser as hard as they can. So here’s the order of events:
Marshall and Barney make the bet. Lily is appointed as Slap Bet Commissioner.
Robin lies and tells Ted she married a guy in a mall in Canada, but he moved away to Hong Kong.
Ted tells Lily, Marshall, and Barney.
Marshall, being proven right, slaps Barney.
Marshall researches Robin and finds out she was never married.
Marshal tells Ted and Lily that he found out that Robin wasn’t married but doesn’t tell Barney.
As Slap Bet Commissioner, Lily gives 3 penalty slaps to Marshall. Two because of Premature Slapulation and one because he withheld information from Barney. Barney slaps Marshall 3 times the next time he sees him.
Barney finds a man in Malaysia who has a video of Robin (when she was a teenage pop star in Canada).
The start of the video shows Robin asking her teacher if there’s anything she can do to get out of detention.
Barney pauses the video, and turns around and slaps Marshall.
When Robin asks why he slapped him, he tells her about the Slap Bet and that he was proven right about her being in porn.
Robin says she wasn’t in porn and they watch the video of her being a teenage pop star.
Since Barney slapped Marshall when he shouldn’t have, Lily gives Barney the option of 10 slaps immediately or 5 that can happen at any time for all eternity.
Barney chooses the 5 to happen at any time.
Hilarity ensues.

So based off of that I have put together the rules of Slap Bet.

The Rules of Slap Bet:
1. Winner of bet gets 1 slap as hard as they can against loser. This must occur immediately, unless otherwise decided by the Slap Bet Commissioner.
2. No rings, gloves or anything else may be worn on the hand during the slap.
3. A Slap Bet Commissioner must be appointed to handle any discrepancies and make rulings.
4. Premature Slapulation: If a winning slap turns out to be proven wrong, the slap bet commissioner may grant a number of punishment slaps of their choosing (usually 2).
5. If a winning slap turns out to be proven wrong and the winner was withholding information which would have proved them wrong, the Slap Bet commissioner may grant a number of punishment slaps of their choosing, in addition to the slaps for being proven wrong. (usually 1)
6. If neither party wins the bet, no slaps will be given unless otherwise indicated by the Slap Bet Commissioner.
7. In the case of a penalty, the slap bet commissioner may give the option of more slaps now or less slaps that may occur at any moment for all eternity. i.e. 10 now or 5 at any time
8. The Slap Bet Commissioner has the final word in all things related to the Slap Bet.

Written by nerdyandlovingit

October 17th, 2010 at 4:35 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Outlook: Cannot save free/busy information

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I’ve been having this message pop up all the time when I’m at work for months and I just found an answer today. Hopefully this post will help others too.

The following is a comment I found on this site when researching the problem. The blog post didn’t help me but this comment did:

I got his solved in a very simple way. If you have just upgraded to Outlook 2007 then here is what you have to do…

1. Goto Tool->Account Settings.
2. Select your account and click on “Change…”
3. Clear out “Use Cached Exchange Mode” check box below exchange server name field.
4. Click on Next, dismiss the next message box that appears by clicking OK and then click Finish to save the changes that you just made.
5. Restart Outlook 2007 and your problem is gone. No more “Cannot save free/busy information” message.

Written by nerdyandlovingit

March 22nd, 2010 at 6:09 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

My Wishlists

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World of Warcraft:

  • Read quests out loud – I absolutely love it when games speak the story and sidequests instead of showing text.  If the task of adding narration to all the quests is too daunting, then identify all the quests that are a part of the storyline and not just random collect and kill quests and have those read.
  • Auction House advanced searches/filters – I want the ability to search for items by a specific stat.  i.e. only show items, within the category selected, that have a strength rating higher than x
  • Mounts When in Ghost Form – everyone is used to having their 60% or 100% increase in speed when going anywhere.  It would be nice to have it when you’re running back to your corpse.

Xbox 360:

  • Keyboard and Mouse Support – I know this one is a long shot, but I want keyboard and mouse support added to the Xbox 360.  If possible I would want to give developers the ability to add support to their games just like the PS3 does.  Since most developers wouldn’t utilize it, just like the PS3, I would want the console to create hardware emulation of the Xbox 360 controller and assign keyboard buttons and mouse movement/buttons to the controller buttons and sticks.
  • Allow Splitfish Contoller – Splitfish makes a controller for the PS3 that gives you half of a PS3 controller in your left hand and a mouse in your right hand.  The mouse makes the two shoulder buttons be the right and left mouse buttons and R3 (right stick click in) to be the center mouse button.  The mouse portion also has the X, Square, O, and Triangle buttons on it’s side where your thumb can reach.  I love playing shooters on the PS3 with my splitfish controller and I wish I could do the same on my Xbox360.  From what I’ve read online, splitfish would love to make the Xbox360 mouse controller, but microsoft won’t let them.  My only other option is the XFPS and reconfiguring buttons every time I want to play kinda sucks.


  • Fix Messages being marked unread error – I love my android G1 phone. That being said, there are a few things I find annoying.  One major one is that a lot of the time when I mark a message as read or read a message and go back to my inbox in for my spare gmail accounts in the secondary email app, messages are marked as unread. Do you know how frustrating it is to mark a message as read four or five times.
  • Allow for storing apps on an sd card – I know it can be done.  It already is being done for those technologically minded enough to put custom firmware on their phone.  It’s kind of ridiculous that the phone memory and program memory are shared, so your phone moves to a crawl if you have too many apps on the phone.
  • Stop Browser from auto reloading a page – Add an option to the browser to force it to stop reloading pages after they’ve been loaded once. Countless times I’ve started reading a big block of text, turned my phone off and tried to come back to it. When I get back to the article the browser thinks that it should reload the entire page since something majorly important must have changed. Internet connection speeds for T-Mobile aren’t very fast compared to my home connection. At home a page refresh is pretty quick; almost instantaneous. It’s annoying to have to wait so long to read a simple block of text on my phone.

Written by nerdyandlovingit

October 15th, 2009 at 7:54 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

New Blog

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I finally got a blog like I’ve been meaning to.

Written by nerdyandlovingit

May 1st, 2008 at 5:12 am

Posted in Uncategorized